Hello, everyone. I am back again.

On Oct. 31, 2022, I posted my first blog about how to make a personal blog site via Hexo on my web. Since then I have given up writing blogs because I am busy with my master’s thesis.

Finally, I have finished my thesis. And I will graduate in July this year. So, there are a lot of times that I can summarize the konwledegments and skills during the three years.

During my master, I acquired many skills in bioinformatics: how to analyze the RANseq data and perform the GWAS and genome population analysis. I will share the workflow about these analyses in my blog via the notes and videos.

I also read some articles about plant immunity, salicylic acid, phytosterols , etc. I have a genuine liking for exploring the plant-microbe interaction, especially plant immunity and salicylic acid. So, I am going to share the reading notes about the review of plant immunity and salicylic acid.

Using this platform to share my experiences not only help others to acquire knowledge but deep these skills in my mind.

Overview of Roadmap

  • Part 1 is about bioinformatics skills. I will make some videos about how to perform these analyses in R and TBtools.

    • Bioinformatics:
      • RANseq April:
        • The raw data alignment;
        • Generate the counts matrix;
        • DEGs analysis;
        • Visualization;
      • GWAS May:
        • Phenotypic data analysis;
        • GWAS;
        • Visualization;
        • Candidate genes determination;
      • Genome population analysis May:
        • Nucleotide diversity analysis;
        • Tajima’S D analysis;
        • LD decay;
        • Fst analysis;
  • Part 2 is to share the reading notes about literature. I based on two articles to share the proceeding about plant immunity[1] and SA[2] respectively.

    • Literature:
      • Plant immunity July:
        • Overview of plant immunity;
        • PTI;
        • ETI;
        • etc
        • References recommendation;
      • SA June:
        • Overview of SA;
        • Biosynthesis of SA;
        • SA and plant immunity;
        • etc
        • References recommendation;
  • More details I will write in each blog.


[1] Ngou, B. P. M., Ding, P. & Jones, J. D. G. Thirty years of resistance: Zig-zag through the plant immune system. The Plant Cell koac041 (2022) doi:10.1093/plcell/koac041.
[2] Peng, Y., Yang, J., Li, X. & Zhang, Y. Salicylic Acid: Biosynthesis and Signaling. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 72, 761–791 (2021).